The organ

The organ of First Baptist Church was built in 1966 by Casavant Freres, St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, and is their Opus 2875. Located in the rear gallery along with the Choir, it speaks clearly and directly into the sanctuary and is a fine example of the so-called “neo-classic” instruments produced while Lawrence Phelps was Tonal Director at Casavant.

16 Principal
16 Subbass
8 Octave
8 Pommer
4 Choral Bass
2 Mixture IV
16 Posaune
4 Schalmei


Specifications of our Casavant organ

16 Quintaton
8 Principal
8 Bordun
8 Gemshorn
4 Octave
4 Rohrflöte
2 Blockflöte
1 1/3 Mixture IV

8 Salicional
8 Salicional Celeste
8 Rohrflöte
4 Principal
4 Spitzflöte
2 Octave
2 2/3 Sesquialtera II
2/3 Scharf IV
16 Fagott
8 Trompete